Student Eligibility
To receive Federal aid (Pell Grant/Stafford Loans) at Great Oaks you must meet all of the following criteria:
- Demonstrate financial need, except for some loan programs.
- Have a high school diploma or HSE
- Be enrolled as a regular student working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program.
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
- Have a valid social security number.
- Meet satisfactory academic progress standards set by the school.
- Certify that you will use federal student aid only for educational purposes.
- Certify that you are not in default on a federal student loan and that you do not owe money on a federal student grant.
- Comply with the Selective Service registration if required. If you are a male aged 18 through 25, and haven’t yet registered you may do so by checking a box on the FAFSA. You may also register on line at
- Not be incarcerated in a federal or state penal institution.
- Not have been convicted under federal or state law for the sale of or possession of drugs for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid.