- How do I obtain my temporary motorcycle permit?
- Do I need a temporary motorcycle permit before I register for class?
- I'm 15-1/2 years old. Can I take this Basic Rider class?
- Do I get my motorcycle endorsement by taking this class?
- I don't live in Ohio. Can I get my endorsement by taking this class?
- I'm already registered for a class, but I have a schedule conflict on the class date. Who should I call?
- I was not able to attend the class I registered for. Do I have to register again?
- My work schedule changes, so it is hard for me to schedule a class. What do you suggest?
- I've already paid the $75 registration fee. Why do I have to pay again?
- How can I get in the next available class?
- Is there a waiting list for classes?
- Can I use my own motorcycle or scooter, instead of the state provided motorcycle?
- What clothing do I need to wear when riding?
- Are classes cancelled if it rains?
- What will I learn in the class?
- Why don't you hold more classes?
- Why don't you hold classes during the winter?
- Why are the motorcycle classes in such demand?
- I want to become an instructor. Who should I contact?